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Gannon Buhr In the Bag 2024- With Discmania!

Writer: BrodenBroden

Perhaps one of the most anticipated and speculated topic on all social medias going into the 2024 disc golf season was "Where was Gannon Buhr signing?"

Rumors ranged from Lonestar Discs to Dynamic Discs and even Franklin (mostly in humor), but one name was highly expected to be the landing spot for the young phenom and ultimately became his choice for the next 3 years, Discmania, replacing the very popular Eagle McMahon who left to join Simon Lizotte at MVP.

The excitement around where Gannon was going to sign is not surprising, given his comical off the course social media presence, his insane skill, and his young age.

Basically, he's likeable, he wins, and he is going to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

As an added bonus, he will move a lot of plastic while doing so, something he felt like he wasn't fully given the opportunity to do while at Prodigy.

Naturally, once the news that Gannon was signing with Discmania became official, the next question on many disc golf enthusiasts' minds were:

What discs will Gannon Buhr be bagging in 2024?

Gannon and Inside the Circle with a photo op at the Seekr Showcase in 2023!

As we enter the 2024 season, the discs he is bagging will surely change some as he seasons them and he gets his own signature disc series.

For now however, Gannon has announced which discs he plans on throwing as the season gets under way, and he has made some excellent choices!

As expected, he isn't bagging a lot of understable discs, but nonetheless his bag is very well rounded and will allow him to continue competing at a very high level this upcoming season.

So, without further ado,

Let’s get into the 2024 bag of Gannon Buhr!

If you want any more info on these discs or to shop them for yourself and your bag, simply click on any of the names or pictures to check them out at Infinite Discs!

Gannon Buhr Putting Putter

We start things off with Gannon's putting putter for the 2024 season. He states that he was between the Link and the P3X, but ultimately chose the P3X to start his season, specifically in D line plastic.

The P3X was recently reapproved to be brought back, which is exciting news for those who like Discmania plastic and enjoy overstable beaded putters.

Gannon has deadly accuracy when putting outside the circle, which is likely why he gravitated to such an overstable putter option, and I expect him to continue his putting dominance this season as well.

He chose the P3X over the Link due to it having less glide and more overstability, making it better and more reliable in windy situations, something he feels he encounters often on the pro tour.

Flight Ratings: 3, 2, 0, 3

D-Line Plastic

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Throwing and Approach Putters

When Gannon is not using his putting putter, he will need some reliable throwers as well, and he is bagging 3 great options for drives and approach shots.

We don't see any out of the box understable options, but he has this section covered very well anyways.

So let’s take a look!

Flight Ratings: 2, 3, 0, 1

Plastic: Exo Hard

While it may not have made the cut for his putting putter, Gannon is still bagging a Discmania Link in Exo Hard plastic as one of his 3 go to throwing putters.

He plans on using it for slight hyzer flip up shots for longer distances. But he may even use it for long turnovers as well depending on the situation.

It's a far throwing putter when used for hyzer flips, but you will also see Gannon pull out the Link for forehand approach shots throughout the season.

Check it out below!

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Flight Ratings: 2, 3, 0, 0.5

Plastic: Flex 3

Next up is the Rainmaker!

Despite having flight ratings that are seemingly slower with less fade than the Link, Gannon is bagging the Rainmaker due to it being a little bit straighter in flight.

This is even more shocking when you hear that despite its speed rating of 2, Gannon plans on throwing this disc up to a whopping 360 feet when he needs a very straight flight path but slight left finish.

He feels that it is a little more torque resistant than the Link, which well help him in full power situations that require some touch and control.

Few of us have Gannon's power, but we could all use a straight flying putter that we can rip on, and the Rainmaker may be that disc for you as well, so check it out!

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Flight Ratings: 4, 2, 0, 3

Plastic: Vapor

Last up in the throwing putter section of the bag is the Discmania Tactic in Vapor plastic.

The Tactic is an overstable putter option that is a great choice for both backhand and forehand approach shots as it is very torque resistant.

This means that it will not only resist turning over, but will also be a great option for anny flex lines, something that Gannon says he relies heavily on in wooded courses for shot shaping.

Every pro player out there has an overstable throwing putter option, so it's no surprise that Gannon has chosen the Tactic to fill this slot.

Additionally, the Vapor plastic is a premium plastic that has great durability and feel, a must for a work horse approach disc.

Check out the Tactic below!

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Now that we have covered all the putters, it’s time to move onto the Mid-range section of the bag!

Gannon is only bagging 2 molds to start with, but in multiple plastics to give himself a good bit of variety, let's check it out!

Flight Ratings: 5, 5, 0, 1

First up is the MD3, a straight flying mid-range option disc that Gannon plans on bagging in 3 different plastics to start off the 2024 season with.

The options he is bagging are not only in different plastics, but also different ages, giving him a variety of options from just the single mold.


The C-line plastic is very comparable to the Innova Champion line in both look and feel, it is also very durable and will take longer to beat in.

His C-line option is a tad more domey than the others and is also newer, so it will be more torque resistant, even with his power. With a little anhyzer, this will allow for an extremely straight flight path and he is planning on using this option out to 400ft.


This line of plastic is more comparable to Innova's Star plastic, so still a premium option, however this option is a little more beat in and will fly accordingly.

Gannon plans on using this disc for backhands when he needs a slow turnover/drift to the right finish, especially on wooded holes on tour.

It will be less stable than his C-line, but not a turn and burn type of disc.

Glow C-Line

Last in his MD3 line up is one in C-line glow plastic.

This iteration of the stable mid range is very beat in and is not a brand new mold.

He still plans on throwing it with a hyzer to flat angle but expects it to finish more right than the other 2 in his bag.

His particular one is rather domey, and he expects to be a workhorse for him as the season progresses, especially in woods golf holes and situations.

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Flight Ratings: 5, 3, 0, 4

C-line Plastic

Last up in the mid-range portion of the bag is the very overstable MD5.

Gannon describes the MD5 as a staple in his bag for a variety of reasons.

One being that he is a natural anny angle thrower for forehands and backhands, so he needs a disc that is able to fight out of that.

Despite having a fade rating of 4, he feels that the MD5 has a surprising amount of glide and as it beats in will fly relatively straight but with a nice solid fade at the end.

He thinks that every pro player should have a similar disc in their bag, and we definitely don't disagree with that!

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Fairway/Control Drivers

Continuing on, we arrive at the driver section of the bag, a section many are eager to see as Gannon is a known big thrower on the pro tour.

He states that he is having trouble finalizing this portion of his bag because there are so many great options, so let's take a look at he plans on using for now to get down the fairway this season!

Flight Ratings: 9, 3, 0, 4

Neo Plastic

Up first is the the beefy Discmania Splice in Neo plastic.

As you may expect, based on it's flight ratings, the Splice is an a very overstable fairway driver option that is going to always fade and is going to be very resilient to the wind.

Gannon states that he is always going to be putting hyzer on this disc, further putting this disc's characteristics to use in both forehand and backhand situations.

With this overstability, he plans on using it primarily for spike hyzers in the 330-350 foot range

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Discmania FD3

Flight Ratings: 9, 4, 0, 3

Horizon Plastic- Doom Bird 4The FD3 is still a rather overstable fairway driver option, but not to the extent of the Splice, and Gannon plans on bagging two of them for the upcoming season.

The first being in Discmania's Horizon plastic, which is very similar to their S-line plastic. This version of the FD3 is going to offer more glide than the Splice, offering Gannon up to 400ft of distance if needed.

He thinks this will be the most thrown fairway driver in his bag and he expects to use it for both backhand and forehand applications.

Glow Plastic

The glow version of the FD3 is going to be just a touch straighter for him, especially as it beats in, but he still expects to be able to push it out to 400 feet when needed.

This disc will be seen in situations that call for less fade at the end of the flight, but also straight and torque resistant before getting there.

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Flight Ratings: 7, 4, 0, 2

C-line Plastic

Slowing things down a bit, we take a quick look at the FD1.

Gannon calls the FD1 the "perfect fairway driver", and I would have to agree as discs in this slot with these ratings are my absolute favorite.

For slower arms, the fade rating of 2 will certainly come into play and provide a nice fade at the end of the flight.

However, at higher speeds this disc will be extremely torque resistant and straight flying the whole way down the fairway with just a subtle fade as it lands.

Gannon plans on using this fairway driver in a variety of situations as it will hold a variety of lines and finish straighter than both the FD3 and the Splice.

In headwinds, you can also expect a touch of turn with enough speed behind it.

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Flight Ratings: 10, 4, 0, 3

C-line Plastic

Due to it's speed rating of 10, the PD is still going to be a rather straight flying driver for Gannon, but will be much more torque resistant than the slower FD1, meaning you won't see the slight turn.

Because of this, Gannon dubbed the PD the "FD1's big brother", and expects a very similar flight path out of the PD, but with about 30 feet in added distance.

Slower arms will definitely see the fade of 3 come into play out on the course, and will see a flight path with a decent amount of fade as the discs slows down.

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Flight Ratings: 7, 5, 0, 2

C-line Plastic

Moving to the more understable portion of the bag, and we see a very unlikely disc for this slot, the Discmania Instinct.

Despite looking very similar in flight rating to the FD1, Gannon's beat in option is going to be used for long turnover shots on the fairway out to about 400 ft.

Throughout the season, you may see him using the FD for this situation as well as it is very similar in flight right out of the box compared to a seasoned Instinct.

New out of the box, the Instinct is a great option for those looking for a torque resistant, straight flying option to get down the fairway!

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Flight Ratings: 7, 6, -1, 1

Glow Plastic

The Discmania FD is one of our favorite discs here at Inside the Circle and the Glow version that Gannon is bagging is going to be his most understable fairway option he has.

Because of the high glide and wear condition, Gannon plans on using this disc for hyzer flip to turnover shots, a shot he uses often while on tour.

Gannon also added that the FD is an excellent disc option for beginners because of it's high glide, controllable speed, and straight flying flight path right out of the box, and we could not agree more!

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Distance Drivers

Wrapping things up, we arrive at the distance drivers!

We continue to see the trend of overstability here but with surprising options sprinkled in.

Let’s take a look!

Flight Ratings: 12, 4, 0, 4

S-line Plastic

Newly re-released, Gannon plans on bagging 2 versions of this very beefy distance driver, the PD2.

The PD2 is extremely torque and wind resistant and offers players of all power plenty of fade.

Gannon's S-line PD2 is going to be used for anny flex drives out to around 500 feet give or take and will be seen in play for both backhands and forehands.

C-line Plastic

The C-line version he plans on bagging offers him a little more dome, and is also a touch straighter in flight, giving him just a little bit more air time to get down field compared to the S-line version he is bagging.

I expect to see this disc pulled from the bag often while watching play this season.

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Flight Ratings: 12, 5, -1, 3

Horizon Plastic

Perhaps the least surprising mold on this entire list is the known bomber, the DD3, and you will find 3 in Gannon's bag in different plastics.

Every manufacture has their own version of this slot and Discmania has done an excellent job with their version of it in the DD3

Gannon believes that the Horizon plastic is the best run of the DD3 as it offers excellent dome and is going to provide him with well over 500 feet in distance regardless if throwing backhand or forehand.

C-line Plastic

The C-line plastic is going to offer him a little bit more turn than the Horizon run which will allow for a much fuller flight.

This very well could be the farthest flying disc in his bag and you will see it being used for both backhand and forehand.

S-line Plastic

His 3rd DD3 will be in S-line plastic and is a little bit more beat in than the previous 2 we went over.

He's bagging this plastic and disc to be used for hyzer flips, especially in forehand applications.

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Flight Ratings: 11, 6, -3, 2

S-line Plastic

Last but not least is the Discmania DD in S-line plastic!

Gannon prefaces by saying that the DD is not bagged by many pros, but feels that it is one of the most underrated discs in the Discmania line-up and is a great disc for amateurs as well.

Despite the turn/fade ratings of -3,2, Gannon says he doesn't see a lot of excessive turn or fade with this disc and likes to push it out to the 450-460 feet range.

He notes he especially likes to hang this disc out to the left and let the disc go to work by letting it glide and finishing nicely to the right without burning over.

Having an average arm myself, I love discs with similar flight ratings to the DD because the high glide and favorable turn/fade allow me to really push down the fairway on wide open shots.

So be sure to check it out for yourself!

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And this concludes our look inside the bag of Gannon Buhr for the start of the 2024 season!

This was one of the most anticipated off season signings and we're excited here at ITC to see how well Gannon performs with this new bag!

We have no doubt that he will continue to elevate his ceiling, and keep an eye out for any changes he makes to the bag as his season unfolds!

Until then, be sure to stay,

Inside the Circle!

You can shop for all of Discmania discs and your other disc golf needs at Infinite Discs

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